Ekor kucing/Cats (Acalypha hispida burm.f)

Ekor kucing /Cats (Acalypha hispida burm.f)
Efficacy: the pharmacology of China, this plant is sweet, cool, chelates and menghentika bleeding.
Diunakan plant part: flower and leaf strands.
Getting treatment:

Vomiting blood: raw chewed with areca flowers white, if necessary, add a little ginger, kencur, pule young leaves. Do it during the day or crushed with sugar flowers as much, eat.

Dysentery: 10-30 grams of boiled strands of flowers, drinking
Inflammatory bowel disease; strand rate 10-30 grams, boiled, drinking
Wormy: 10-30 grams of boiled flowers strand drinking
Leprosy: the leaves washed well enough, add enough finely kencur up like mush, used for greasing the injured body part


Herbal 8923116688427810833

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