Daun Sendok/Leaf Spoon (Piantago major L)
Leaf Spoon (Piantago major L)
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, Antipyretics, expectorants.
Part of plant used:
All parts of the plant.
Getting treatment:
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, Antipyretics, expectorants.
Part of plant used:
All parts of the plant.
Getting treatment:
The whole plant leaf spoon 3 plants, 2 cups water, mix 1 cup boiling to obtain, filtered and taken once a day.
Tablespoons of fresh leaves 7 pieces, 7 pieces of fresh bitter leaf, 2 cups water, mix to obtain 1 cup boiled, filtered and taken 2 times a day
Kidney Stones:
Herna 7 g of fresh leaf spoon, reed root 7 grams, fresh leaves nasty shard 2 g, 6 g Herba cat whiskers, fresh herbs meniran 2 g, water 130 ml, Made infusion or crushed. Drink 1 a day 100 ml, when made pipisan Segari drink 1 ¼ cups, repeated for 14 days.
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